Naomi Devil

Solo exhibitions:
Gallery Alcatraz: Alpha Male, 2003, Salzburg-Hallein Gallery Tetõ: The Digital Oil, 2004,Budapest Gallery Mucius, The Pink Youth, 2005, Budapest

Group exhibitions:
The closing exhibition of prof. Caroline Broadhead's class, 2002, Salzburg The closing exhibition of prof. Rivka Rinn'class, 2003, Salzburg Gallery Vertigo: The Vertigo Chroniucle, 2003-2004, Canada Gallery Vinopolis: Art In MIND Part 4, 2004,London Gallery Zsidró: Zsuzsa Gesztelyi Nagy's, Márta Kucsora's, Naomi Devil' and Melitta Németh' paintings , 2004, Budapest Mucius Gallery Coffee: 9 artists of Gallery Mucius, 2004, Budapest Selfportait UK 14-19 2005 Touring exhibition: Sunderland Museum & Winter Gardens, Manchester Art Gallery, National Museum & Gallery Cardiff, Peterborough Digital Arts Museum & Gallery, The New Art Gallery Walsall, National Portrait Gallery London, London Underground

Gent Sanat(Fiatal Mûvészet) 114, Daha 17…. , 2004, Istanbul Nepszabadsag, 2004 Május 2. , Budapest
Újbuda: Digitális olaj és poszt-popart, 2004 Május 26. , Budapest
MTV1 (Hungaryan Television): Galéria, 2004, Budapest : Diák Art, 2004, Budapest Gent Sanat(Fiatal Mûvészet) 117, Tetõ Gallery' de "Dijital Yagliboyalar",2004, Istanbul Gent Sanat(Fiatal Mûvészet) 119, Artshole' dan yaz sergisi, 2004, Istanbul Rapscallion 16, She is 17 and paint like an angel..she is Naomi Devil, 2004, London

Artist statement:
Although I am still at the beginnig of my carrier as an artist my field of research is clearly getting to take shape already. My main interest is portraiture. My aim is to achieve a high standard of realism. In choosing and analyzing my models I focus on the contemporary aspects. My models are mainly young people found browsing on the Internet or met on rock festivals and parades.

I am interested how young people find a way of self-expression in extrem vogues of fashion, how they follow newly invented life-styles. Portraying my models I try to picture a characteristcally contemporary face-expression and attitude.

My still lifes are in a sense also portraits. The compositions are made up from every-day objects that could not have been together if not in our era. They characterize their owner who is a person tipical of our times.



Synthetic girl

Das Ich